Siri, can you hear me????

(I posted this update yesterday on Facebook, but thought it was funny enough to repost on the blog. Enjoy!)

SiriI just got the iPhone 6 and it’s the first time I’ve had a Siri. Justin loves playing with the Siri feature, yet gets frustrated when “she” refuses to answer him because he forgets her name. He’s called her “Kristy,” “Kirsten,” and this morning he kept calling her “Candy.”

I tried explaining to him that women don’t like it when you call them by the wrong name. It’s better to learn that lesson now than when it REALLY matters.

The Night I Failed to Bring in Lightning

CarIt was 11pm and I was exhausted after a long day. I just wanted to collapse into bed and read a little before I fell asleep. As my body was just about to make contact with the mattress, GWE turned to me and said, “You know you need to bring Lightning in, right?” Over the past few weeks, the words “bring Lightning in” have become the bane of my existence.

Since Garrett is the second child, he has inherited most of Justin’s toys. One of those toys is a motorized “Lightning McQueen.” Garrett likes to climb into the driver’s seat, hit the gas, and drive it around the backyard like it’s the Indy 500. However, he knows that at the end of the day – it needs to be somewhere other than sitting in the yard. At 2:30am, the sprinklers come on and we’re trying to keep the car from shorting out. (We hear that water and electricity don’t mix!)

So every afternoon Garrett plays with the car and every evening (after it’s dark) I have to go to the back of the house where there are no lights to try and find Lightning. Then, I have to haul it back up to the porch. The car weighs 48.9 lbs. (I looked it up. Why? Because if I ever throw out my back, I want the doctor to know that I was broken by a 48.9 lb. Lightning Queen!!!)

There I was at 11pm (AGAIN) roaming around the back yard with the lights out looking for Lightning. And I thought I found it…

In the darkness, all I could see was the silhouette of an object. I assumed it was Lightning as I walked over to get it. As I reached down to grab it……..”IT” screeched and ran away. I had gotten close enough to see the white stripe on its back.



In the most dignified way possible, I screamed bloody murder like I was a teenage girl in a horror movie. If I remember it correctly, I yelled “HOLYFUCKSHITFUCKSHITFUCKSHITBALLSBALLSBALLS” as I ran across the yard in total darkness.

When I came back into the bedroom, GWE (who was already in bed and under the covers) asked me if I brought Lightning in. I said, “No. Didn’t you hear me scream?” She acknowledged that she HAD heard me scream…but that she didn’t want to get up because she thought I’d be fine.

And with that, I learned “Till death do you part” is not where my vows end. It’s “Till you scream like a little girl while running away from a skunk.”

The Labor Day Accident

The last thing I heard before “the accident” was GWE asking me if I wanted a glass of wine with dinner. I never got to answer her. Before I could say “Sure!,” Garrett managed to trip over his scooter, fall forward, and bang his head into the corner of the patio door. GWE caught him as he went down. As she turned him over, I saw the gash in his forehead.

Personal experience told me this was serious. (I have the same cut on my forehead from going head first into a brick mailbox when I was a kid.)

I looked at GWE and calmly said, “We need to go – now. I think he’s going to need stitches.” From that moment forward, the chaos of the evening fell away and we were a well-oiled machine with one purpose – get Garrett to the doctor! I took the food off the grill, turned off the propane, turned off the oven, grabbed my keys and wallet, scooped up Garrett, and raced to the car. GWE looked up the closest medical facility. Justin (who was beating the crap out of his brother less than an hour earlier) saw the severity of the situation and instantly became my “wingman.” For the first time ever, Justin took every instruction I gave him without question. He got Garrett a Band-Aid, his shoes, a toy, and got into the car. As all of this was happening, Garrett was perfectly fine. I wiped away his tears and I asked him if he wanted to go for a ride in the car. He happily said, “Yup.” His only request was that I put on “SpongeBob SquarePants.”

GWE likes to joke that I have a magical ability to find the slowest lane possible. There have only been two occasions when I’ve purposely “Nascar’d” it. Once, when taking GWE to the hospital to give birth Justin…and last Monday. (We are now calling it, “The Labor Day Accident of 2014.”)

We arrived at the doctor’s office 8 minutes later. They numbed him, glued him back together, bandaged him up, and then handed him some stickers. Additionally, he was insistent that they use the stethoscope to check his heart. (He has a toy one at home.) All in all, he had a fantastic time and made some new friends! GWE and I aged a decade in less than an hour.



During the car ride home and all throughout dinner, Garrett retold us about his harrowing adventure of bumping his head and visiting the doctor (as if we hadn’t been there with him.) Even though most of it was babble, I could tell that Garrett’s “tall tales” of bodily harm were getting worse and worse with every retelling of the story. I was waiting for him to tell us how he used his sharp toenail and a piece of string from his shirt to stitch his own head back together – without Novocain!

Once the kids were asleep and everything calmed down, I finally had that glass of wine GWE offered me hours earlier…and then I followed it up with a glass of scotch!

Hey Tonka! Truck You!!

Police Car

While GWE was out of town and Justin was at a sleep over, I had Garrett all to myself. We decided to have a Guys’ Night Out – just the two of us! I scooped him up in one arm, grabbed the diaper bag in the other, and we were off for an evening of debauchery!

I decided that our first stop should be the toy store. Because Garrett is the second child, he suffers from a very real and debilitating sickness called “Toy-Hand-Me-Downtitis.” At our house, there are (literarily) hundreds of toys within his grasp! Yet, only a handful of them were purchased specifically for him. Most of the toys started out as Justin’s. So, not only does Garrett have to decide which toy he would like to play with, he also has to decide how much of Justin’s wrath he’s willing to put up with in order to play with that toy. We’ll be starting a telethon for his “disease” next year.

As we stood in the toy aisle, I told Garrett that he could have whatever he wanted…within reason…under the certain amount of money…as long as it didn’t require assembly…or forty batteries…

The first toy he found was a Red Fire Truck. Two problems: 1) The truck was two feet taller than Garrett, and 2) It would have required a small business loan. The second toy he choose was much better. It was a blue and white police car with three different sirens. He wrapped his arms around the Tonka police car like it was a teddy bear and never let go. Sold!

As we were driving to our next destination, I heard the sound of emergency vehicles quickly approaching so I pulled over to the side of the road. After a few seconds, the alarms faded and we resumed our adventure. Several minutes later, I heard more emergency vehicle sirens and pulled over to the side of the road again. This time, the sirens seemed even louder – but the vehicles never passed me.

Two minutes later, I heard the sirens again and pulled over for the third time. I was concerned that we were near a fire or possibly a car accident, so I lowered the windows and the moon-roof and began looking around for signs of an emergency. I saw nothing…and the sirens faded again.

I remember there being a long moment of silence and then I felt something hit me in the ear….which was followed by ANOTHER SIREN BLAST!! I quickly realized – IT WAS GARRETT’S TOY!!

Unbeknownst to me, Garrett (who sits in a car seat behind my seat) pulled his toy out of the bag and had pressed the siren a few times. Each time he pressed it, I pulled the car over thinking it was a real police car! It wasn’t until he became frustrated by not being able to get the toy out of the box, that he threw it at my head…which set off the siren again!

Hey Tonka – maybe your toys don’t need to sound THAT realistic! Whatever happened to “Wee-ooo-wee-ooo?!?!?!” Think I’m kidding about the sound? Watch this:

Daycare Provider or Serial Killer?



Occasionally, there are things that happen which I have chosen not to write about. The reasons range from “it’s a long story” to “it’s too embarrassing” to “it would be unfair to point out the utter stupidity of someone who can’t defend themselves.” Garrett has been through 3 daycares in 6 months and I have chosen not to write about any of it. If I shared those stories, we’d be here for a week – and Child Protective Services would have certainly been called.

However, after sharing this particular story with another parent, I felt confident that I could tell you what happened without specifically naming names.

Several weeks ago, we were highly encouraged by a childcare professional (who had been working with Garrett) to visit a specific daycare. She was adamant that we would love the program, love the daycare providers, and it would meet all of Garrett’s needs. This school was supposedly “the best” and we would be lucky to get in. GWE spoke with the director of the school who informed her that they don’t do private tours, but we could be added to a future group tour. GWE accepted.

When we arrived, GWE and I were welcomed to the school and brought into one of the classrooms where a group of parents had already begun to gather. Most were moms. I was one of two dads. When the director was ready to begin, she asked us all to sit in a semi-circle as she and her mother sat facing the parents. The director was in her mid-50’s and her mother (who founded the program) was in her 80’s. Happily, the two of them began extolling the virtues of their school. They talked about the importance of morning transitions, the tactile experiences the students would have, and all of the other opportunities they would provide. (I’ve been through these speeches a number of times now. After 2 kids and 3 daycares, my “Daycare Bullshit” detector is pretty accurate.)

And then, the oddest thing happened. While the director was talking, the older woman interrupted her and said, “Ok, let’s start the songs!” I thought she was kidding. She was not. Together, the mother-daughter team told the parents that they would need their participation as they began to sing two children’s songs. But they were songs no one had ever heard before. I looked around the room to see the other parent’s (including my wife’s) reactions. Most of parents went along with the request (probably because they were told that this was The Best and they couldn’t get in and thought “Maybe if I sing and participate, they will accept my child.” I don’t know for sure.) GWE reluctantly sang along, but she is happy for any opportunity to sing! I mumbled along all the while staring down the director with a look that said, “ARE YOU F#$%$@@ KIDDING ME?!?!?”

As a side note, there were no children in the room. Well…..that’s not entirely accurate. Two parents brought their children, but the director made it perfectly clear that children were NOT welcome to this meeting. That’s correct – the child care provider did not want children in the room meant for childcare. Begrudgingly, the children were encourage to “go and play in the corner.” (Yea…. wrap your head around that for a moment.)

Once the songs were done, they proceeded to give the parents a 45 minute guided tour of their facility. When the tour was over, we were asked to return to the room we started in for final questions.

But, before the questions could begin… was F#$%$@@ SONG TIME AGAIN! I wish I was kidding, but I’m not. They insisted that the parents sing two more songs. I turned to my wife and whispered in her ear, “I’m done. There is no (very long combination of bad words) way I’m sending my child here.” She agreed and we excused ourselves to leave.

I waited until we were in the car before sharing my thoughts….loudly and uncensored. After I was done, I once again turned to my wife and rhetorically asked, “Do you know who sings children’s songs when there are no children around? Serial killers and HAL 9000 from the movie “2001: A Space Odyssey!!” And, he killed his whole crew!!!”

“Daisy, Daisy / Give me your answer, do. / I’m half-crazy / all for the love of you……”

As an addendum, they called a few weeks later to tell my wife that Garrett had been accepted into their program. GWE politely declined the invitation. However, I really wish she had done it to the tune of “Row, Row, Row Your Boat.”

Stand-Up Jokes from A Seven Year Old

"Take my mommy, please!"

“Take my mommy, please!”

While on the way to school one morning, Justin announced that he wanted to tell me something funny. Without warning, Justin began doing stand-up jokes in the back of my car. There was no cover charge…no 2 drink minimum…and no warm-up act. Justin just went for it!

Q: Why did the Vampire drink blood?

A: Because he was King Kong.

(Nice…an “Identity Crisis” joke. This could be the “Who’s on First?” for the next generation!)

Q: Why did people walk in the ‘80s?

A: Because cars hadn’t been invented yet.

(Good – he’s reaching out to the older folks in the crowd with a “Remember When” joke.)

Q: Why did the Bee stay home?

A: He was online.

(Excellent follow-up. Making the jokes relevant to the social media followers!)

Q: Why don’t cactuses need water?

A: Cause they don’t!

(Interesting. An honest “Think Piece!” Bold move at this point in his act.)

Q: Why don’t flowers dance in the ‘70s?

A: Hey look – a Starbucks!! Let’s get a soy chai latte!!

(Wow – excellent social commentary on the carefree days of the past verses the large corporations’ evil agenda to caffeinate (drug) and shorten the attention span of the youth!)

I was waiting for him to end his act with a “You’ve been a great audience” or “Thank you, Cleveland! You’ve been great!” Instead, he went with a “Bye, daddy. See you after school.”

I’m waiting for Louie C.K. or Chris Rock to steal Justin’s material! I dare any road-tested comedian to compete with that act!!!