Justin’s Gym

Workout1For the past few weeks, Justin has been insistent that he join me in the gym (our garage) every morning so he can work out with me. However, Justin’s idea of working out is sitting on the futon while watching cartoons or playing Wii while I sweat my ass off and curse at last night’s carbs. Plus, Justin likes to talk in the morning…a lot! You’ve never met someone as chatty as Justin is at 6am. He wants to tell me all about the latest Minecraft thing and all I want to do is keep breathing.


Now that Justin has started to excel in his swim classes, I thought I could help him get faster and stronger for the pool with a few exercises. I offered to “coach” him a little. Excitedly, he accepted my offer.


It lasted all of 2 mornings before he went back to “Teen Titans Go” on Netflix and “Kirby” on Wii. I assumed the information went into one ear and out the other. But, much to my surprise, I was wrong! Here is an illustration Justin did for a school assignment called “Summer Fitness Plan:”


 Looks like he got it! (And, thanks to his drawing of me, I’ve never been in better shape!)

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