What do you get when you give a seven year old a Flip Cam and ask him to record his mother’s performance? Pure hilarity…and nausea.
GWE was performing at T.H.E. Show in Newport Beach several weeks ago. She (and her band) were performing on a Friday, Saturday (twice), and Sunday. Since Justin had never seen his mother sing for an audience, I thought it would be a great opportunity to have him attend.
Right before she went on stage, she handed Justin her Flip Cam and she asked him to record her performance. With grandma sitting to his left and me sitting behind him, we were close enough to assist him in his recording duties. Justin needed no help.
It’s hard to tell what I was more entertained by: GWE’s beautiful voice or Justin “Auteur” camerawork. See for yourself:
Justin’s camerawork can only be described as a “found footage film” meets “roller-coaster.”