Awake at 6am – two small accidents, one HUGE bulls-eye “Daddy Style.” Yeah!!!
12:00pm – I saw him go around the back of the sofa to his poop spot. I grabbed him and we ran to the potty. He took off his pants, sat on the potty, and then ordered me out of the bathroom. I am now sitting outside the bathroom door waiting for him.
12:05pm – PPPPPooooooooppppppiiiieeeeee!!!!!!! He crapped in the potty!!!!!!!!!!!! (It was a lot!!)
5:10 – accident on the floor. All fixed.
6:00 – peepee in the potty!
7:35 – long pee into the toilet. Afterwords, he looked at me and screamed, “I’m a genius!!!”
8:35 – last peepee of the day in the toilet. It’s been a very productive day. Tonight, we both get a break and he’s in a diaper for the rest of the evening. Tomorrow, we start again!!
Sunday –
Awake at 7am. Came into my room. Told me he needed to peepee in the potty and then he did. Off to a great start today!!
8:00 – accident, but close. He decided that he wanted to go potty by himself. He walked down the hall and closed the door. (I followed him and sat outside the door.) I heard him pull off his pants, go pee pee, then nothing, then he said “uh, oh – DADDY!!!!” I opened the door and found him standing on the stool with poop on the seat, poop on the stool, poop down his leg, and poop on the towel I put under everything. He helped me clean up and ended up getting a toy for being close.
9:35 – peepee in the potty!
10:30 – accident. Not even close to the potty. 🙁
1:00pm – went peepee in potty
4:00pm – woke up from nap. Did not go peepee in bed. Went straight to potty!!
6:10 – told me he needed to pee in potty. We made it! Success!!
Monday –
Awake at 6:45 – woke up dry. Made peepee in the potty!
9:06 – Just did drop off at school. He is wearing his underpants and he excited to show everyone!
5:30 – Just got Justin from daycare. Teacher Lily was very surprised at his progress from over the weekend. He had 1 1/2 accidents at school. Once he dribbled on his pants (that shouldn’t count) and once on the playground. Other than that, lots of successes today!
9:00 – I walked away from justin to put away dishes. All of a sudden I heard, “I DID IT!!” I turned the corner and Justin had gone down to the bathroom by himself, dropped his pants, and peed in the potty. He did the whole thing by himself – and DIDN’T want a toy as a reward!!!!!!! Yeah!!!
Tuesday –
7:00 – Justin woke up. Bed was dry. Walked straight into the bathroom and took the longest pee I’ve seen – ever!
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